July 29, 2020| JOS

Today’s JPEGS OF SEPARATION installment is extra special! This challenge was given to me by the inventor of the game, Joshua Dudley Greer!
If you need a reminder: In this game, one person sends another individual two unrelated pictures. The challenge is to connect them using 8 photographs, ultimately creating a sequence of 10 images in total. Connections can be based on concept, content or form, but no artist can be repeated.
This is the sequence that I made:
Image Credits: 01 Katy Grannan / 02 Tomasz Liboska / 03 Osamu James Nakagawa / 04 Sylwia Kowalczyk / 05 Galina Kurlat / 06 Andres Mario / 07 Julie Renee Jones /08 Scott Alario /09 Carrie Mae Weems / 10 Garry Winogrand