A Place to Rest your Eyes
August 3, 2020

I spend a lot of time thinking analytically about photography, but sometimes, all I want is to be transported. Through their images, photographers lend us their eyes. They create little portals for us to peer through and view the world as they see it. Here are some photographs that do just that:
Joe Johnson finds a strange elegance in the most unexpected places.

Joe Johnson, from the series ‘Local Weather’. View more here.
No matter where he is in the world, Jon Tonks finds moments of wry humor.

Jon Tonks from the series ‘Empire’. View more here.
Evgenia Arbuegaeva gives us little glimmers of magic.

Evgenia Arbugaeva from the series ‘Tiksi’. View more here.
Rania Matar helps us connect to one another.

Rania Matar from the series, ‘On Either Side of the Window – Portraits During Covid-19’. View more here.