Pictura Gallery

Entries tagged: curatorial

Les Rencontres d'Arles | 2023

August 10, 2023

Sometimes, it's hard to believe that Les Rencontres d'Arles really exists. Once a year, a small town in southern France is filled to the brim with photography...

CPAC | Juried Member Show

July 20, 2023

Mia + Lisa were thrilled to jury the annual member show for the Colorado Photographic Arts Center... (Best in Show: Steve MacGregor, Joy, reconsidered.)

Kelli Connell | Double Life, 20 Years

June 15, 2023

Kelli Connell composes scenes that pause in the indecisive moment, and characters who linger in slow time.

Ben Rasmussen | The Good Citizen

April 19, 2023

Benjamin Rasmussen's The Good Citizen explores how society in the United States came to be what it is today. Who was freely invited into this space and who wasn’t?

Inbal Abergil | What's Left Behind

February 7, 2023

Inbal Abergil follows the thread of grief as it winds its way through the families of departed soldiers.

Jon Tonks | Photographs from The Men Who Would Be King

September 9, 2022

Conveying the web of dynamics at play in Vanuatu presents a challenge...

Claire A. Warden | Mimesis

June 8, 2022

There’s a lot happening on the surface of Claire A. Warden’s prints...

Michael Sherwin | Vanishing Points

April 6, 2022

Vanishing Points is a quiet project, built from Michael Sherwin’s respectful receptivity to the land he photographs...

Pelle Cass | About an Hour

February 9, 2022

Pelle Cass presents the passage of an hour in a single frame...

Carol Golemboski | Magic Show

September 28, 2021

Making a print in the darkroom, regardless of how well we understand the science, still feels like pure magic...