Claire A. Warden | Mimesis
June 8, 2022| curatorial, gallery walk

The opening this past Friday with Claire A. Warden was especially joyful. It coincided with one of our favorite annual events- our summer block party. Local Bloomington vendors, artisans and performers all came together to make this evening delightful and delicious (yeah, we’re looking at YOU Rasta Pops!) We loved seeing friends and families from the community all out and celebrating together.

There’s a lot happening on the surface of Claire A. Warden’s prints. She brings the sensibility of a painter into the photographic process with her mark-making techniques. Mimesis gives viewers a place to get lost inside layers of form and space. To revel in the beautiful abstractions is a rich experience on its own.
There’s also a lot going on under the surface in Warden’s work. The forms in her photographs cycle through elemental shapes and lines that cannot quite be decoded, yet hint at a type of sacred iconography or something cosmic. Warden uses her own DNA to create textures that complicate the perfection of geometric forms, adding the person into the frame.
View more of Claire’s work here.