Alex Llovet | Not About Lockdown
August 8, 2024

Paper ships sail on the static sea.

Tendrils of hair and grass swirl and tangle together, like two wild plants that have begun growing in tandem.
An arm rests on the edge of a bed, its own shadow leaking from the wrist to the mattress below. The live fingers and their inky silhouettes inch forward as if cautiously reaching towards one another.

A thick coil of hair slithers its way up through looser locks towards the back of a girl’s head. Hair becomes a snake, and the snake becomes a ladder.
A dark pair of binoculars point outwards, while a pair of shaded eyes seem to pull and gulp the outside world in.

I love Alex Llovet’s series Not About Lockdown. These images, taken during the two first weeks of intense quarantine, feel to me like lines of poetry strung together. They dance between consciousness and a sort of dark dream state.
- Mia
See more of Alex Llovet’s work here