Pictura Gallery

Being a Curator | Mia Dalglish + Lisa Woodward

January 24, 2024

Mia and Lisa nerd out on the curatorial process...

Life Framer Series Award | Call for Entry

January 11, 2024

Lisa and Mia are serving as judges for this year's Life Framer Series Award...

Robert Langham III | Blackfork Bestiary

December 7, 2023

When first we met Robert Langham, he told us “Snapping turtles are never happy"...

Single Image Crush | Camille Seaman

November 22, 2023

the natural world is simplified as it races by at wolf speed...

Single Image Crush | Alex Llovet

November 16, 2023

Llovet takes just a few elements - a girl, a box and a painting- and weaves them together to create an image that is visually and emotionally complex...

Single Image Crush | Jason Klassi

November 8, 2023

A California bobcat walks into the light above Los Angeles...

Single Image Crush | Doriyan Todorov

October 24, 2023

It's a formidable leap from the fine white sand into the murky purplish unknown...

Single Image Crush | Andrew Rovenko

October 19, 2023

Andrew Rovenko made his daughter a space suit, and together, they wandered the empty streets of their neighborhood so that the little astronaut could complete missions...

Blandine Soulage | Déviation

October 4, 2023

Déviation is meant to disrupt a few things - our spatial understanding, the daily commute, and maybe also the ingrained sense of our limitations...

Shao-Feng Hsu | Night Swimming

September 21, 2023

Shao-Feng Hsu’s series Night Swimming is built of simple concentric circles, and yet, I see a gathering of earthly spirits within his images. Each of his photograms capture the preciousness of a single breath...