Pictura Gallery

Oliver Klink | Exhibit Opening

April 8, 2019

Cultures in Transition is about something deeper, something that it took time to observe, to detect, and to understand…

Joshua Dudley Greer | Book Review

April 1, 2019

Greer diverts our eyes from the monotonous yellow line...

Portfolio Reviews at CPAC | Highlights

March 25, 2019

This past weekend we went to portfolio reviews at CPAC and saw some excellent photography...

Dima Gavrysh

March 11, 2019

Dima borrows from the veiled visual language that we encounter in sleep...

Elizabeth Moran

March 4, 2019

Call me naive, but I couldn’t figure out where these images were taken until I read the artist statement...

Elizabeth Stone

February 25, 2019

Sometimes photographers trick our eyes…

Donna J Wan

February 18, 2019

The anatomy of sadness is a strange thing…

Thomas Kiefer

February 11, 2019

“Pay attention to this loss, this dehumanization” the photographs say...

Adam Reynolds | Exhibit Opening

February 4, 2019

Reynolds offers two vantage points from the game of war…

Ronghui Chen | Part 2

January 28, 2019

Last week, a polar vortex parked itself over my city…