Single Image Crush | Jason Klassi
November 8, 2023| Jason Klassi

The appearance of a bobcat on the path can turn a confident hiker into a ball of fear. But here in Jason Klassi’s photograph, it’s the bobcat who looks vulnerable, surprised to be caught in passage. The cat is glamorously illuminated like a model, on a very different sort of catwalk. Roots and stones from the natural world fill the foreground; the built human sprawl of Los Angeles lights the background. And the bobcat’s life hoovers in between.
-Lisa Woodward
A California bobcat (Lynx Rufus) walks into the light above Los Angeles and Santa Monica Bay. Living on the urban fringe of a large metropolis, this bobcat thrives along the backyards of million dollar mansions and busy hiking trails, surrounded by the bustling 405 and 101 Freeways. Fortunately, the world’s largest wildlife crossing, The Wallis Annenburg Wildlife Crossing, is now being built and may ensure the survival of bobcats and other large mammals. — Jason Klassi
Jason Klassi — runner up of the Life Framer ‘Night Life’ contest. Chosen by juror Kevin Cooley