Pictura Gallery

Portfolio Reviews at CPAC | Highlights

March 25, 2019


Portfolio Reviews at CPAC (Colorado Photographic Arts Center) Highlights:

It’s always a treat to meet new photographers in person and to learn about their work. This past weekend we went to portfolio reviews at CPAC and saw some excellent photography. Here are two projects that we especially loved.

- Mia + Lisa

Learn more about CPAC here.

Andy Mattern
Project: Standard Size

Standard Size is a series of photographs that depicts boxes of analog and digital photo paper with the text and images removed or covered up. As a way of neutralizing familiar examples of photographic art, this process co-opts the underlying design and creates a new surface.” — Andy Mattern

View more here.


Carl Bower
Project: Private Fears

I’ve asked complete strangers to do something I lack the courage to do myself, to share their secrets and be photographed. Some find it cathartic, an early step toward loosening the grip fears have on their lives. Going out on a limb and finding that they do not fall.” — Carl Bower

View more here.


Angeline: I’m 29, pregnant, alone, and homeless. I am living my fear.


Chelsea: I wake up every morning afraid to get out of bed because I know I’m going to have to encounter others during the day. I stay inside most of the time for that reason. I’m afraid of being myself, being trans, and living with it day after day. I fear the judgement of others as I walk down the street. I fear it so intensely that the simple act of being noticed by others on the street gives me anxiety.I fear men. All men, but particularly straight white men. This fear is more like a physical fear for my life. I actively avoid them at all costs. When I can’t avoid them, I pick fights with them. This usually makes them not want to be around me… mission accomplished. I am, however, physically attracted to them.I fear anything that makes me cry or feel any kind of emotion other than anger. It’s become easy for me divert my fear onto a path of anger. That too scares me.