In the last installment of our Kids Summer Virtual Exhibits, we asked our kid artists to focus on themselves by creating their own self-portraits. Self-portraits are a great way for kids to take notice and celebrate what makes them unique and beautiful.
So what exactly qualifies as a self-portrait?
A self-portrait is a portrait of the artist by the artist.
That is really the only rule – it has to be made by you and somehow represent you. It can be a photograph, like Vivian Maier’s Self-Portrait in front of the mirror or a painting, like Frida Kahlo’s Me and My Parrot. Written works can also be self-portraits, whether its a full autobiography, like Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings or a short poem.
Self-portraits do not necessarily have to be representational – an abstract or symbolic depiction by an artist of themselves can also be classified as a self-portrait.

Create your own self-portrait

Self-Portraits by me and Santiago, age 5. He is in a storm!
You can use any medium as long as it represents you, but if you’re not sure where to start, you can print off the template below and follow these instructions. Parents can join too, your kids will learn a lot simply by watching you create your own self-portrait and art is therapeutic at any age!
Mirror Self-Portrait Instructions
- Right click the image of the coloring page and choose ‘Save As’ to download the image (or click here for a PDF) and then print to your local printer. There is a blank option, as well as one with a face outline, pick whichever one you prefer or make both!
- Sometimes artists like to include a favorite personal item in their self-portraits, like Frida’s pets or Vivian’s camera. Have your child find an item that means a lot to them that they can include in the portrait.
- Position your child in front of a mirror so they can continue looking back at their reflection as they work.
- As your child draws or paints, remind them to continue checking the image on the mirror. You can help by asking what colors they see on their face, hair and eyes and encourage them to really notice their unique features.
- Share your work! We would love to see what you create, you can email images to or share them on FB and Instagram to @fourthandrogers.