Global Warming Series
June 10, 2021

The Global Warming Series is an education-driven art exhibition that addresses the causes and effects of global warmings through...
Look & Listen | Joe Johnson
May 20, 2021

This third iteration of Look & Listen pairs the audio track “Uh oh, Nodal” by Bloomington-based sonic artist Norbert Herber - with Joe Johnson’s new artist book, Office Hours.
FAR Community Creators | Christopher Warren Elam
April 27, 2021

Meet Bloomington mosaic artist Christopher Warren Elam...
Beginner's Mind | A Youth Art Month Collaborative Exhibit
March 16, 2021

To be an artist is to have a “beginner’s mind,” a mind open to limitless pathways in the creative act and is not impaired by the limitations of being an expert...
FAR Community Creators | Patricia Coleman
February 24, 2021

David Ondrik On Photographic Objects
February 5, 2021

FAR Community Creators | Sean Starowitz
January 28, 2021

Meet Sean Starowitz, an artist and the Assistant Director of the Arts for the City of Bloomington...
Paper Pavilions Exhibition
January 15, 2021
In the face of a global pandemic and a widespread call for dismantling racist systems, Paper Pavilions commissioned artists to consider the future of our built and natural environment...
Virtual Opening with David Ondrik
January 8, 2021

Join co-curator Lisa Woodward and artist David Ondrik in thoughtful and engaging conversation...
FAR Community Creators | Kristen Chuang
December 18, 2020