Larry Smukler
January 6, 2020

I met Larry Smukler at the FILTER reviews earlier this year. It was an uplifting encounter, and I thought his would be a nice portfolio to share here at the start of the year.
Have you ever experienced this conversation — when a good friend falls in love real hard, and they try to tell you about a new person? In these moments, I buckle in for the radiant gushing, listening at length as every beloved gesture is extensively detailed, every good quality magnified and relished. I come away from this conversation either a cynic, knowing that these appreciations will fade, or an absolute believer. It’s a rare chance to borrow the eyes of love and see the things we often miss in one another.
Larry is like this with light; he’s just gobsmacked with it. And he’s trying to tell us all of its untame brilliance. I push my image-saturated cynic to the side and sit to wonder with Smukler at the sparkling world.
- Lisa
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