December 29, 2021| JOS

Today’s JOS was given to Mia by photographer, Gabriela Kolčavová. To make it extra fun, we asked Gabriela to include one of her pieces from Pictura’s Velvet Generation exhibit in the challenge. To see the image in person, stop by the gallery!
If you need a reminder: In this game, one person sends another individual two unrelated pictures. The challenge is to connect them using 8 photographs, ultimately creating a sequence of 10 images in total. Connections can be based on concept, content or form, but no artist can be repeated.
This is the sequence that Mia made:
Images Credits: 01 Gabriela Kolčavová / 02 Yuhki Youyama / 03 Osamu James Nakagawa / 04 Gregg Segal / 05 Sue Palmer Stone / 06 Joshua Dudley Greer / 07 Katerina Vo / 08 Kurt Tong / 09 Tara Cronin / 10 Anne Arden McDonald