Evzen Sobek
November 26, 2018

Evzen Sobek | Life in Blue
Evzen Sobek’s project “Life in Blue” documents leisure-time activities by the shores of a reservoir on the southeastern tip of the Czech Republic. In particular, Sobek focuses on a group of formerly nomadic caravaners who took up residence by the lake. To describe a people that live a lifestyle of impermanence he creates a world void of any context but the lake.
Sobek’s work is full of visual contradictions that give it a unique emotional resonance. The imagery has both an ephemeral delicacy and a heavy sturdiness that is achieved through his treatment of color. Sobek fills the majority of the frame with a soft blue that gives the sensation of fragility. Instead of making the white zones or skin tones within the images neutral, he constructs a bright, washed-out color palette and consistently soaks everything with a tint of cyan. This subtle manipulation of color creates the impression that the world is saturated with water and sun. Everything becomes an extension of the lake and even the air feels blue.
- Mia
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