A Place to Rest your Eyes | 02
September 14, 2020

With the world feeling dark, I have been looking for reasons to smile. Humor can be surprisingly tricky to pull off, but when done well, it looks effortless. Here are some photographers that have found a way to delightfully insert humor into their work; whether it’s throughout the whole series or peppered in with a single image.
– Mia

Roman Franc, from the series “Mirror Times”

Joshua Dudley Greer, from the series “Somewhere Along the Line”

Evzen Sobek, from the series “Life in Blue”

Ira Wagner, “Twin House”, from the series “Twin Houses of the Great Northeast”

Susan Lapides, Eleanor, age 7, from the series “Crustaceans”

Walker Pickering, “Sousaphone Circle”, from the series “As You Were”

Andy Mattern, from the series “Average Subject, Medium Distance”

Kevin Horan, “Jake”, from the series “Chattel”